Third Party Fundraisers

Invite your friends, co-workers, neighbours and other networks to support Auberge Shalom! Past fundraisers have included:

  • Zumbathons, walkathons, spin-a-thons, sports tournaments & concerts

  • Bake sales 

  • Parlour groups / cocktail parties

  • Donations in lieu of a gift (birthdays, holidays, bar/bat mitzvahs, retirements)

  • Megillah readings

  • Casual dress day at work 

  • Facebook and other social media fundraisers

To discuss supporting Auberge Shalom in this way, please contact:

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When Shirley Pollak, Past President of Auberge Shalom, speaks of the work at our centre, people don’t only listen, they are moved. And some, like Shirley’s super Zumba instructor, Jenni Morse, are moved to move; Jenni was so inspired by the mission of Auberge Shalom, she organized a large Zumbathon in our benefit. This uplifting Party in Purple has been held for several years attracting hundreds of Zumba enthusiasts and supporters and raising thousands of dollars for ASPF.

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Pop initiative

My name is Liana Wiener and through my Power of Positivity (POP) initiative, I have raised funds for special causes for the past few years. When the pandemic struck, I knew I wanted to help those affected by domestic violence.  The furniture at the Auberge shelter needed updating and I had a community of people who might be able to help.  I sent out emails and posted information on social media. Exceeding our expectations, over $11,000 was raised! I encourage everyone to reach out to their personal networks and set a fundraising goal. 



J’ai organisé une activité-bénéfice pour mon 40 e anniversaire de naissance parce que je travaille étroitement avec une femme qui vient tout juste d’avoir le même âge. Elle est aimable et intelligente et je ne peux m’empêcher de penser que, dans d’autres circonstances, nous aurions été amies. Dans le cadre de mon travail de conseillère à l’Auberge Shalom, je rencontre régulièrement des femmes qui subissent des agressions horribles de la part de leur partenaire intime. L’Auberge Shalom aide des femmes et des enfants de tous les horizons et statuts socioéconomiques et de toutes les cultures et religions. Le plus beau cadeau d’anniversaire que je pouvais m’offrir, c’était de soutenir ces femmes résilientes et inspirantes.